They realize that Bella cannot cope with the pregnancy and the baby is suffocating, so Edward, Jacob, and Rosalie begin to perform a cesarean section on her. Jasper Hale. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, ... Bella is sharing her baby names with Edward and Jacob when her backbone suddenly breaks and she collapses. Breaking Dawn (Twilight #4), Stephenie Meyer Breaking Dawn is the fourth and final novel in The Twilight Saga by American author Stephenie Meyer. She is often spoilt, and her brother Eddie often teases her saying shes the Princess of the family and gets what ever she wants. Renesmee is a very loving and excitable child in the Twilight Saga and going through to Renesmee's Childhood story. Nikki Reed plays Rosalie in the Twilight film series. Carlisle Cullen (pronounced Car-lyle) was born in 1640 in London, England and is the founder and leader of the Olympic coven. La saga Twilight, d'abord publiée en France sous le nom de Saga du désir interdit, est une série de romans fantastiques et sentimentaux de Stephenie Meyer publiés entre 2005 et 2020. Divided into three parts, the first and third sections are written from Bella Swan's perspective and the second is written from the perspective of Jacob Black. She stays by Bella's side throughout the pregnancy, defending Bella's choice to keep the baby; this ultimately brings the two of them closer together, and by the end of the novel they have become friends. She stays by Bella's side throughout the pregnancy, defending Bella's choice to keep the baby; this ultimately brings the two of them closer together, and by the end of the novel they have become friends. Rosalie later helps care for the child, Renesmee, while Bella is undergoing transformation into a vampire. Nikki Reed plays Rosalie in the Twilight film series. He is the second husband of Esme Cullen and the adoptive father of Emmett, Alice, Edward Cullen, and Jasper and Rosalie Hale. Jasper Hale. Jacob’s imprinting – In book, Jacob’s imprinting on Renesmee is shown from his point of view where he cites this feeling as different from all the other feelings felt for Bella, his father, family and replaces it with love for the baby and in movie, we see a totally unique version showing a creepy CGI teenage version of Renesmee in future. 6. Jacob goes to kill Renesmee since he believes she killed Bella, but when he looks her in the eyes, he imprints on her instead. He is also the adoptive father-in-law of Bella Swan and adoptive grandfather of Renesmee Cullen. Edward then injects her heart with his own venom and bites her body in several places, effectively turning Bella into a vampire. Seeing the baby is a girl, Bella names her "Renesmee" right before her heart stops beating. Rosalie later helps care for the child, Renesmee, while Bella is undergoing transformation into a vampire.