GetSpares offers component repair options that are tested on the tool for which they were designed. Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 United States. Leica Biosystems Division of Leica Microsystems Inc. 1700 Leider Lane. The search tool allows the user to locate items using a variety of search criteria, including item description, special item number (SIN) and contract number. Office Phone: +1 844 534 2262. About Leica Biosystems. The National Acquisition Center Contract Catalog Search Tool now allows your facility to browse MedSurg and Pharmaceutical products and services available under Federal Supply Service contracts. Life Science Research Institutes Clinical Research Institutes Universities Core Imaging facilities Pharma Research Organizations Other LSR REPAIRS. Whether we are packaging orders, helping a doctor find the technology that is right for their patients, or answering every customer phone call on the first ring, providing service and … Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 United States. Office Phone: +1 844 534 2262. Contact Us. Contact Us. This ON-TOOL VERIFICATION allows GetSpares to provide a high level of operational and refurbished parts for AMAT (Applied Materials), DNS, Gasonics, KLA-Tencor, Novellus, Prometrix, and TEL (Tokyo Electron) equipment sets. welcome to the new srs microsystems website! VISION24; Management Team; Worldwide Operations; Careers; Partnerships; Innovate with Leica Biosystems; Purchase Online; Keep in Touch. Contamos con más de 150 empleados, 5 oficinas operativas, y presencia comercial a … Leica Biosystems Division of Leica Microsystems Inc. 1700 Leider Lane. VISION24; Management Team; Worldwide Operations; Careers; Partnerships; Innovate with Leica Biosystems; Purchase Online; Keep in Touch. Fax: +1 847-236-3009. About Leica Biosystems. Comercialización, asesoría y capacitación de: equipos, soluciones y mobiliario para laboratorio. At Precision Lens we strive to exemplify our mission statement and values every day. Fax: +1 847-236-3009. we are open 9.30am - 5pm mon - sat WE ARE OPEN 9.30AM - 5PM MON - SAT To improve your shopping experience …