Photo: easyJet Investor announcement. The airliner forecasts a significant drop in capacity for 2021 and demands government help for the embattled aviation sector. BAG meldet 1375 neue Coronavirus-Fälle innerhalb von 24 Stunden. Bis Sonntag, den 29. Most European countries should be on the Government's "green list" for foreign summer holidays when the travel ban is lifted on May 17, the boss of easyJet … 16 Mar 2020 by Jenni Reid. Coronavirus Information Cookies helfen uns, Ihnen auf ein besseres Erlebnis zu ermöglichen. Ab heute, 30. EasyJet passenger numbers plunged 89.4% year on year in the six months to the end of March, from 38.6 million to 4.1 million. Nach den Wischi-Waschi-Corona-Beschlüssen der letzten Coronavirus-Ministerpräsidenten-Konferenz hat das Flugunternehmen Easyjet nun bereits mitgeteilt, dass man als Fluggesellschaft Passagiere nicht auf das Coronavirus testen wolle. Zudem muss man eine feste Adresse vorweisen und 14 Tage in Quarantäne bleiben. Coronavirus: easyJet predicts £845m loss due to pandemic. EasyJet has since released an extra 20,000 flight seats to Portugal for June and the May half-term. For anyone going on holiday from May 17 onwards, COVID tests will be an essential requirement. EasyJet has announced measures to mitigate financial backlash from the impact of the coronavirus. COVID-19: Portugal confirms UK tourists with negative coronavirus test allowed to travel from Monday. Bei Easyjet gibt es ebenfalls die Optionen Umbuchung, Gutschein oder Stornierung und Erstattung. The carrier flew only … As a result of the decision to move Portugal to the safer list of countries to fly to, reservations on Swiss routes increased by more than 170 percent for flights to Portugal. Airline easyJet has reported an increase in bookings for flights to Portugal. Coronavirus pandemic image copyright TF-Images EasyJet has said it will resume some flights on 15 June, with all passengers and cabin crew told to wear face masks to protect against the coronavirus. Corona-Krise: Easyjet stoppt regulären Flugbetrieb Easyjet Coronavirus Easyjet hat seinen regulären Flugbetrieb vorerst eingestellt. Die Briten sehnen sich nach Urlaub: Nach der Rede von Premierminister Boris Johnson über mögliche Lockdown-Lockerungen verzeichnen die Urlaubsbuchungen einen sprunghaften Anstieg. The coronavirus pandemic has caused huge problems for airlines, most of whom have had to ground most or all of their fleets. März 2020, flogen nach eigenen Angaben noch über 650 Maschinen, die mehr als 45.000 Menschen nach Hause holten. Grund seien die massiven Reisebeschränkungen, teilte der britische Billigflieger mit. Best of Europe. Die Atemwegserkrankung COVID-19, die durch das neuartige Coronavirus verursacht wird, breitet sich weltweit aus. These are the most incredible travel experiences of 2021 . United Kingdom. Easyjet is no exception. EasyJet told You & Yours: "Passengers travelling to Portugal are currently required to present a negative Covid test on departure, which includes providing documentation from a … easyJet operates seven routes between Switzerland and Portugal: three in Basel, three in Geneva and one in Zurich. These decisions have resulted in … Und das ist wohl erst der Anfang. Coronavirus Information We use cookies to give you a better experience on Wann die 300 Maschinen wieder starten können, sei unklar. "Im Vergleich zur Vorwoche stiegen die Buchungen für Strecken ab der Schweiz nach Portugal um über 170 und über 150 Prozent für Strecken nach Spanien", teilt Easyjet Schweiz mit. easyJet has secured a discount with Randox Health, meaning you can get home testing kits for £60 instead of £120. EASYJET has cut 1,400 UK jobs since the start of the coronavirus crisis, the airline confirmed today. You can find out more about the kits on Jet2 Easyjet sieht die Verantwortung bei den Passagieren selbst. People will be required to take at least two coronavirus tests when returning to the UK from any country, including even those on the 'green list'.. And the rules are even stricter for those heading back from 'amber' or 'red' destinations.. Faro ; Madeira ; Lisbon ; Porto ... All the reasons why it's safe to book flights and holidays with easyJet. The variants are B.1.617.2, with 202 cases and B.1.617.3 with … Wie auch bei Ryanair wird die Erstattung eindeutig am wenigsten erklärt und ausgewiesen. easyJet hatte bereits zuvor, infolge der Grenzschließungen und Coronavirus-Maßnahmen, Minimierungen im Flugplan angekündigt. Former Love Island star, Chris Hughes, has hit back after facing backlash for asking EasyJet about a refund for his cancelled Portugal flight during the Coronavirus pandemic. To help Brits get away on a long-awaited summer holiday, easyJet has put an additional 105,000 seats on sale from UK flights to Gibraltar and Portugal. The airline announced its decision to begin cancelling some of its flights in an early Friday morning statement to investors via the Regulatory News Service (RNS) of the London Stock Exchange. EasyJet France holidays cancelled after FCO bans travel due to coronavirus spike We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story mirror British airline easyJet said on Thursday it would open a new base in Faro, the main city in Portugal's popular Algarve tourist region, which has been hammered by the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes a further 25,000 seats and package … EasyJet's first-half net loss widens as virus bites Issued on: 20/05/2021 - 09:22 EasyJet's losses widened but the airline says it is "encouraged by the reopening of travel across much of Europe". Der britische Billigflieger Easyjet rüstet sich nach dem nahezu kompletten Zusammenbruch seines … How to book Covid tests from Tui, Ryanair, Easyjet, Jet2 and Boots for half the price SOME airlines are including Covid tests in their holiday packages at discounted rates. It has convened a special cross-sectional committee to … Best of Europe. The best beaches in Europe: shores so beautiful they might make you cry . Flugreisende erfahren hier wichtige Informationen. So reagieren Easyjet, Airbus, Lufthansa und British Airways. Griechenland. By continuing to use our site, you are agreeing to the use of cookies as set in our Cookie Policy . With travel resuming from May 17, holidaymakers could need PCR tests to enter green list countries, which are being offered by the likes of Boots. Two new mutant coronavirus variants first identified in India have now been found in the UK. Von Basel und Zürich starten die Easyjet-Linien nach Portugal Anfang Juli. Spain. Jet2, easyJet, Ryanair: Countries that could be added to the green list . Selbst wer es, über Umwege, zu dem Erstattungsformular der Airline geschafft hat, wird noch versucht vom Gutschein zu überzeugen. Wenn Sie auf unserer Website bleiben, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu, wie dies in unserer Cookie-Richtlinie erläutert ist. Travel firms welcomed the boost in demand but called for coronavirus restrictions to be eased for more destinations. Wer im Moment nach Griechenland einreist, wird auf das Coronavirus getestet. Low-cost carriers Ryanair and Easyjet have announced … Coronavirus-Ticker 20.3.: Über 20.000 Infektionen in Deutschland – 5 Prozent im Krankenhaus – Easyjet streicht ab Dienstag fast alle Flüge Which Canary Island is right for you? Die Coronavirus-Krise hat immer mehr Auswirkungen auf die Luftfahrt. Following a year of lockdowns and restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, easyJet says there is a pent-up demand for travel to green list destinations this summer. Brits could travel safely to most parts of Europe without needing to quarantine with infections at the levels they are now, according to an easyJet-commissioned study by Yale University in … Italien-Verbindungen in beliebte Urlaubsregionen werden gestrichen.Der Flugzeughersteller Airbus muss Aufträge auf Eis legen. It comes as the low-cost carrier said it will … uropean hotspots should be put on the UK’s coronavirus green list as the subsequent increase in hospital admissions would be “minimal”, according to the boss of easyJet. Portugal . Easyjet fliegt ab Mitte Juni von Genf wieder nach Lissabon und Porto. Most popular. Latest flight and holiday coronavirus updates and cancellations from Jet2, Tui, easyJet, Ryanair and BA There have been more cancellations and suspensions to a number of popular destinations men EasyJet has said it will resume some flights on 15 June, with all passengers and cabin crew told to wear face masks to protect against the coronavirus. TUI, easyJet, Jet2 and Ryanair: Latest travel advice for Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Portugal British airline easyJet said on Thursday it would open a new base in Faro, the main city in Portugal's popular Algarve tourist region, which has been hammered by … Verantwortung sieht Easyjet bei den Passagieren selbst. Coronavirus: Ryanair and Easyjet could ground entire fleets . Portugal, one of just a handful of …